Energy Insulation

Energy Insulation
Airdrie AB
Booth: 250

Company Description:

We are a family owned & operated business servicing the greater Calgary area. Our specialty is blown-in attic insulation. When we come out for your free inspection and quote, Brent will look at everything to do with your attic that may be hindering your heating/cooling processes or contributing to attic rain or other challenges. We have been in business for over 12 years now and continue to enjoy working with local homeowners making their homes more energy efficient, warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

We are an approved company with the Cleaner Energy Improvement Program (CEIP), a loan program built to help homeowners with the investment needed to upgrade efficiency products.

We also work with the Federal Government Greener Homes Loan program that is set up in a similar fashion.

Information on both will be available at our booth! Wendy and Brent will be happy to explain everything and how to maneuver through the process.

New Products

We use a premium fiberglass, blow-in insulation sourced in Alberta with 60% recycled glass. This product is light, clean and easy to use. It has a lower settling rate over time and can be used on top of any other insulation without compressing it.

Certifications & Awards

We are fully insured and have up-to-date WCB. We have been nominated for awards such as: Airdrie Innovation Award and Best Small Business Award

Product Images:


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